How Your Hearing Loss Can Affect Your Immediate Family
If you have hearing loss, you know how hard it can be to understand others and navigate daily interactions. What you might not realize is that your hearing loss can be difficult for your family as well. Hearing Loss Can Strain Relationships Hearing loss affects your ability to be able to hear and process what…
How Hearing Aids Help With Speech Recognition
Hearing loss makes it harder to recognize speech, negatively affecting your communication ability. If you’re having trouble following along during work meetings or conversing with friends when out to eat at The Old Post, read more to learn how hearing aids can help! How Hearing Loss Affects Speech Recognition One of the earliest signs of…
Untreated Hearing Loss May Leave You More Vulnerable to Falls
Untreated hearing loss not only makes it harder to understand speech and other sounds happening around you, but it can put you at risk for other health problems as well. Research has shown that leaving your hearing loss untreated can increase your risk of falls. Hearing Loss Increases Fall Risk A study published in 2012…
Seven Great Reasons To Wear Hearing Aids
There are numerous benefits to wearing hearing aids, so many, in fact, that we couldn’t possibly list them all in a single article! Instead, let’s take a look at seven of the best reasons to wear your hearing aids. Why You Should Treat Your Hearing Loss With Hearing Aids Improve your confidence. When you can…
How to Have the Best Date with Hearing Loss
If you are experiencing hearing loss, you’re not alone. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders estimates that “One in eight people in the United States (13 percent, or 30 million) aged 12 years or older has hearing loss in both ears.” But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a great, romantic time…
How Hearing Aids Can Improve Your Daily Life
Currently, there are millions of Americans who haven’t sought treatment for their hearing loss. If you are one of them, let’s look at several ways that using hearing aids can improve your daily life. Four Big Benefits of Using Hearing Aids Feel more at ease in social situations. Hearing loss makes it harder to communicate…
How Hearing Loss Impacts Other Senses
It’s a common misconception that if you lose one of your five senses, the others will become stronger to compensate. This is a partial truth; in reality, this phenomenon is more complex than it may seem. In this post, we review what the research says about how hearing loss impacts other senses. Hearing Loss Changes…
Talk With Your Primary Care Provider About Hearing Loss Screenings
A recent poll reported that 80% of Americans over 50 said their primary care provider hadn’t asked about their hearing in the last two years. Since appointment times are often limited, many primary care providers won’t bring up hearing issues if it’s not the main reason you made the appointment. However, hearing loss can impact…
Consider the Benefits of Hearing Aids this Audiology Awareness Month
It’s finally Audiology Awareness Month! This means there’s no better time to care for your hearing health. If you’ve been diagnosed with hearing loss but are still unsure about making the investment in hearing aids, consider the many benefits they have to offer, which we review below. Better Communication This may be the most obvious…
Four Questions to Determine if It’s Time for a New Audiogram
When you get a hearing test, your results are plotted on a chart or graph known as an audiogram. Audiograms plot your hearing thresholds across various frequencies. The x-axis represents frequency in Hertz from lowest to highest. The y-axis represents the loudness of a sound in decibels, with the lowest levels at the top of…